Light and Skies
Sun, moonlight and clouds...... the mixture of these basic earth characteristics provide us with spectacular views. As you will see, I've added in the ocean in quite a number of them giving them an added dimension.
I would like to talk to you about one of the pictures at length. The first one. I know it doesn't show well in the thumbnail. Matter of fact, it looks rather like it would be a picture of the aurora borealis ~Northern Lights~, but it is not. I was at sea off of Northern California when this wisp of a cloud turned into a rainbow of colors. The cloud was so thin that it acted as a prism. As we watched it, the sun burned it totally away in about 30 minutes. If we had not been fortunate to have been at the exact right spot at the right time, we never would have seen it. I had never seen that phenomenon before and doubt that I will ever again. If you do not care to look at the higher resolution pictures of any of the other images, take the time to look at this one.
Be sure to left click on the image for a higher quality photograph
Cloud Prism |
Night Lightning |
More Lightning |
Summer at Sea |
Early Morning |
Sunset in Texas |
Sunrise |
Approaching Storm on the Prairie |
Beach Moonlight |
Thunderheads over the Beach | |